Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sony works on paper-powered battery

Who would have figured out that batteries will be powered by paper one day? Engineers at Sony did, where they recently paraded a bio battery that is capable of generating electricity through the clever use of paper as fuel. This is definitely an improvement over previous battery models that relied on glucose, as this particular paper-powered bio battery relies on an enzyme to decompose paper into glucose – whereby this glucose that is harvested will then be used for power generation. In order to ensure that the decomposition kicks in, Sony relied on an enzyme known as cellulase, where it will make short work of cellulose. As cellulase functions as a catalyst, it can then be reused later on if collected. Sony has also improved the overall power generation capability of this bio battery, where it works well even with the presence of impurities generated by decomposing paper apart from glucose. For comparison’s sake, it seems that decomposing a sheet of A4-sized paper will result in up to 18Wh of electricity – which is similar to the amount of juice generated by half a dozen AA batteries.

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